zone-h URL:

Capture Date:       2018-05-05 17:38:28 JST

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    Mirror saved on : 2018-05-05 08:30:33
    Notified by     : Mr.ToKeiChun69
    Domain          :
    IP address      :
    System          : FreeBSD
    Web server      : nginx

    String Match:
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            1 : Hacked By Mr.ToKeiChun69
            1 : Hacked by Mr.ToKeiChun69
            1 : Hacked by
            1 : Hacked By
            3 : Extreme Crew
            3 : Hacked
            3 : Mr.ToKeiChun69
            2 : Hacked by
            1 : Hacked By Mr.ToKeiChun69
            1 : Mr.BucketHead
            1 : Mr.D
            1 : Hacked by Mr.ToKeiChun69
            1 : Hacker
            1 : Hacked By

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        <table width=100% height=100%><td align=center><br>
        <font color="red" face="Courier">[ <marquee width="20%" behavior="alternate" scrollamount="3"><font color="grey"><> Typical Idiot Security - Extreme Crew - IndoXploit - Security Cyber Art - Hacker Patah Hati - Indonesia Silent Code - Xai Syndicate - Garooda Security Squad - CowoKerensTeam <></font></marquee> ]</font><br />
        <font face="Courier New" color="cyan" size="3px">~~ Mr.DreamX196 - D4RKNE55 - 0xd3vs - ML7C - ./51N1CH1 - ./R015 - Mr.AchanX48 - Mr.BucketHead - Angel Dot Id - Ups1337 ~~</font><br/>
        <font face="Courier New" color="cyan" size="3px">[< Littlebear69 - L3mot_n3t - Laser69 - Gend3ruw0 - SPEEDY-03 - magelang9etar - civiliant - KATENBAD - ./RosesDie - indonesia6etar! - Mr.Luciferz - Con7ext - LCR999X - Mr.7z>]</font><br/>
        <br></br><br></br><font size="3" color="white" face="Courier">root@x69 $ Hacked by Mr.ToKeiChun with style 69 <3 --[]~</center><br></font>
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