zone-h URL:

Capture Date:       2018-04-22 18:13:22 JST

  zone-h info:
    Mirror saved on : 2018-04-22 04:53:09
    Notified by     : ErrOr SquaD
    Domain          :
    IP address      :
    System          : Linux
    Web server      : Apache

    String Match:
            3 : Hacked
            2 : Hacked by
            2 : ErrOr SquaD
            1 : Hack3d by
            1 : Bangladesh
            1 : Hacked By

  MD5:  0a69c7e400d38eb4bf4a38d06798a524
        * 31090247

  Analyze: String Match Contents: 6, 10 ; MD5: 3 ;

        Server: Apache

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        <div id="title">Hack3d by <font color="gray">U7TiM4TE_</font><font color="#bb141a">H4x0R</font></div><br/><br/>
        <div class="title"><font color="gray">ErrOr SquaD</font> <font color="green">-BAN</font><font color="red">GLA</font><font color="green">DESH</font></div>
        <div><h4>Thanks to :| Fir3 H@wk | izocin | Religious Hunter | Dark Coder | Legion Bomb3r  | Optimus Rotar<br>| Cyber Missilz | ./MrFrank  | L10N M1N1 | Mad Sn1per</h4></div>
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