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        		<p>The Learning Hub is a shared space for all members of the YIS community to learn — a place to share resources, display projects, communicate ideas and help others by viewing and commenting on each others’ posts. Student, teacher and class blogs are at the heart of the Learning Hub, providing timely, first-hand views of the myriad learning experiences taking place in the classroom and beyond.</p>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on PERSPECTIVE: Presenting artwork created from discarded trash, explaining how one’s perception can determine an outcome - Grade 3 Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Chinese New Year</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Our Chinese families have gathered to share with the ELC children about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. Kiwa's mom read a book called “Bringing in the New Year” to introduce different elements of Chinese New Year.  The children learned to wish ‘happy new year’ in Chinese, Xin Nian Kuai Le or Xin Nian Hao.  They were given ‘hong bao’ (red envelope) and red knot which symbolizes harmony and happiness . The book also mentioned that traditionally people clean their houses to welcome the new year, they wear new clothes and decorate their homes with good luck and joy signs....
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">MS DAILY - Friday, February 23, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">HS DAILY - Friday, February 23, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on COMMUNICATION: Practicing using color to convey specific emotions and moods - Kindergarten Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Monopolies - Good or Bad??</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Are monopolies good or bad? Sometimes they offer more benefits than disadvantages, other times more cons.
        Some examples of monopolies in our community?
        Watch this Monopoly slideshowIn your groups, find 2 real world examples of companies with a monopoly on their market:...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">wilsone</span>
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        								<a target="_self" href=";blog_id=729&#038;post_id=1944">
        									<div class="reader-pg-post-media" style="background-image: url(;"></div>									<div class="reader-pg-post-content">
        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on PROCESS: How can we turn 2-dimensional paper drawings into 3-dimensional sculptures? - Grade 1 Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">reeda</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Expedition week</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">A developed an understanding for how to interact with the nature to have the fullest experience when doing so. In October, when the grade 9s were at Niigata, there were a lot of challenging moments. However, throughout the week, we were able to achieve things we would have never been able to achieve within the confines of the city.
        One of the challenges would have been the unforgiving climate. Me in particular, I had to abandon using my jacket as a pillow due to the chilly weather....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">21changs</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">MS DAILY - Thursday, February 22, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY
         	MS Assembly...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">HS DAILY - Thursday, February 22, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">HIGH SCHOOL ONLY
         	HS Athletics/Activities...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">GCD: Inter-Cultural Communication (Core Values)</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">A memorable time when I interacted with a different culture than mine, was when I went to Thailand. The annual field studies trip that year was actually overseas in Phuket. I decided to go on this trip because the itinerary stated that we would be able to spend quality time with the local orphanages and help build schools.
        I was excited as could be, because I knew that I would get to meet new people and have fun with them. However, I was brought down when I realized that it was very hard to communicate with the orphanages. This is because the orphanages were from the local area and they did not have many chances to learn English. That is why it was hard for me to communicate and interact with them....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20rambukpotaa</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">The Strange Medicine</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">A translation of a short story from one of my favorite Japanese authors, Shinichi Hoshi. He is known for his unique writing style, settings, and plot twists. I have written pastiche pieces of his work in Japanese for classes but I wanted to try and translate a piece into English. This short story is called “The Strange Medicine” (“変な薬” in Japanese)....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">A Distillation of Fear</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">(excerpt from Dream Walker)
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">(Not) Enough</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">We used to make blueberry muffins together. The mini ones. The ones you could fit into your mouth in one bite. But I always ate them in two, watching the steam rise from the middle, admiring the little blue dots scattered throughout the muffin. They weren’t blueberries like I’d see her buy in the shops, they were smaller. Like blueberry prunes, little and dried out, small and wrinkly. I used to watch her strain them, little blue buttons, all clustered together in a courier. We would eat them on Sundays. After church. A picture perfect family. Eggs and toast and the little bowl of muffins, all wrapped up in a checkered cloth. They were special. We would bring them back from home. Summer and winter. Business flight. Always business. Strange how you appreciate things you took for granted only once they were gone. I haven’t had blueberry muffins in years. She doesn’t bake anymore, and I don’t go to church anymore. Sometimes I want to bring some back from home again, like we used to. But there is not enough space, and she is always more stressed, worried about her window seat on the economy flight we always take....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">A Tasteless Recipe: Urban Food Culture</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Gray sky, big streets, a neon light illuminates, indicating a supermarket in front of you, a Burger King on the left, a closed bakery on the right.  What am I going to eat today? A frozen pizza? A hamburger? A chik-fil-a? Pff… I miss mom’s cooking…
        How did we come to this point? There are multiple factors. I can count four before we discuss the sudden decline of importance of making good food, we need to understand how it happened. ...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Hidden</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">In dark and soundless depths,
        in deep and lightless tombs,
        They wait, ...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Lemon Elegy - Translation</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">This poem is a translation of a poem called “レモン哀歌” by Kotaro Takamura. The poem portrays the poet’s wife, Chieko at her deathbed and her very last moment before she passed away. The poem is extracted from a collection of poems called ...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">The Difference Between Courage and Cowardice</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">What’s the harm in lying?I could lie about the fact that I’m lying.
        What a shame it would be,...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Nostalgia</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Nostalgia eats away at me.
        I’ve become obsessed
        With the practice of remembering...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">summer fantasies</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">a single bead,
        slips down the string
        and expands on my back...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">i remember nostalgia</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">do you ever miss something, 
        a gaping hole in my heart. ...
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">18franchotm</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">What Being Bilingual in Japanese and English Means To Me</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">I am a Japanese student, who has pure Japanese blood, as all my parents and grandparents are Japanese. Our first language is all Japanese and this can be said for me as well. However, I have lived in a few countries around the world since I was young, beginning with Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Switzerland. These experiences of living in foreign countries gave me the opportunity to go to international schools, where English is the first language. Through my school life in international schools, I was able to become fluent in not only Japanese but also English, making me a bilingual student. There are several things about what being bilingual means for me....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20maedas</span>
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        								<a target="_self" href=";blog_id=1216&#038;post_id=427">
        									<div class="reader-pg-post-media" style="background-image: url(;"></div>									<div class="reader-pg-post-content">
        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Personal Project - Raising Awareness About the Barriers of Escaping Poverty in Japan and Cambodia</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">As part of my Personal Project, I decided to raise awareness about the barriers poor people face when escaping the poverty cycle in Japan and Cambodia. A poverty cycle is when a poor person lacks access to more than one areas of basic needs such as water and food, creating a cycle that is very hard for them to escape from by themselves. To achieve this goal, I decided to make a choose your own adventure that provides a simulation of poverty in both Cambodia and Japan, showing what kind of barriers the poor face even in their daily lives. The reason I chose to Cambodia and Japan is because firstly, I am in the HOPE Cambodia Service Club and secondly, because I am Japanese and I recently learned how Japan has an unexpectedly high poverty rate. This goal was a challenging goal for me because I have never made anything like a choose your own adventure book with this much research put into it. As the topic of poverty is an issue that requires very specific and accurate knowledge, I had to make sure that I had reliable sources that I can trust as well as some opinion sources from different perspectives. In order to collect these research, I searched online for news articles, reports, websites, videos and other secondary sources as well as conducted an interview with Ms. Elena Omura from HOPE International Development Agency. The interview was especially hard for me because it required me to use my communication skill to a high level, but it was worthwhile because I was able to gain meaningful insights on the issue of poverty that I would not have gotten anywhere else....
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        														3 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20maedas</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Class 4 Unit 1: Applying skills to a new task & using peer-feedback to improve - Grade 6E Visual Art #art #MYP #yislearning #middleschoolart #arteducation</div>
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">reeda</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on REFLECTION: How can we learn from past mistakes to help improve our current artwork? - Grade 5 Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">reeda</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Completing my personal project</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">The personal project began last year in June in which we were first introduced to the 10th-grade project. The personal project involved exploring and broadening our knowledge and understanding on a certain topic that we would like to learn more about. Over the 7th months given to investigate independently, I managed to develop my ATL skills (research skills, communication skills, self-management skills and thinking skills) through researching, planning, creating a product, presenting it, and finally writing a report about the entire experience. The topic that I decided to investigate was Interior design, my end goal being,  to design a multifunctional, aesthetically pleasing room that meets my needs using knowledge on interior design, lighting, organisation, and colour. As I researched, I learned to use a variety of sources, interviewing experts and collecting reliable information, thereby, developing research and professional communication skills. To organise and manage myself, I used digital slides to store collected research, developed an action plan to self-manage, and met up with my mentor to keep track of my process. To create my product I then used my creative and transfer thinking skills to apply my acquired knowledge from the research stage. By completing this project, I not only gained a knowledge on interior design but how we apply it in our daily environments to improve our lives and well being, I noticed my topic's importance beyond my personal interests and through transforming it into a physical product I successfully developed personal skills that I could apply in the future to form and produce new research projects....
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20matsuzawaj</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Cross Country</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">A regular practice that I participated in during the Fall of 2017 was Cross Country. I trained after school three times a week and took part in weekly tournaments at Tama Hills.
        By joining this sport, I was not only able to maintain my wellness physically but also socially. I got closer to my teammates, forming strong friendship with them, and was able to connect with others globally.
        I was invited to attend the AISA Cross Country Tournament in Seoul, S. Korea at KIS. This experience has impacted my life significantly by challenging myself physically and mentally seeing as I was not much of a long distance runner before this experience. I was able to settle into this new environment (this is my first year at YIS) and make connections/memories with individuals that were passionate about this sport....
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20warituz</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">IASAS Conference- Global Understanding</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">In november 2017 I was able to attend a conference held in the Bangkok United Nations center as a part of a Model United Nations member. During the 4 days in Bangkok, I was able to experience and see different characteristics of the world. While I was in Bangkok I started being aware of how privileged I am. Also, while debating about few different world issues from the lense of different countries it has allowed me to grow as a global citizen as I was able to learn what different countries think like. This conference has challenged me to explore different perspectives with unfamiliar nations such as Nicaragua about world issues that I haven’t thought about such as the use of AIs. ...
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20choih</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">GCD - Personal Goal</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">My personal goal was by the PP deadline in March, I will create a 20 to 30 minute documentary on raising awareness and educating the YIS community on why outdoor wilderness experience is important for people with special needs. My main focus for my research will be ASD because I have a family friend that we see often with ASD in a vacation cabin in the middle of the wilderness. Moreover, the documentary will include various interviews, presented research, and an outdoor recreational experience. The level of challenge should be between a special needs outdoor activity to a special needs outdoor adventure camp.  I will help give children with disabilities an outdoor experience and gain further understanding of ASD and outdoor education philosophies....
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20clarkk</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">GCD Inter-cultural Communication in YIS</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">I go to an international school and I experience many activities that make me an intercultural person. I talk to students arond me, who have different cultures and have different nationalities. This challenges my linguistic and cultural barriers, however I overcome these barriers by interacting with the students in classes and being able to work effectively together through a way of communication we have in common such as by using English.
        Right now I am on the path of extending my relationships between people around me and have fun communicating with students for personal aspects and academic aspects, in and out of school. I feel close to many of the people, through communication with them and I can be more engaged in school with help from others. One of my strengths with this, is that I know when others need help from me and when they are having a hard time, so I quickly go to them and support beside them. My goal is to express myself through communication with the people by...
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Tan</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Global Citizen Diploma- Work Experience</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">I have accomplished Work experiences by doing.
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">GCD Reflection "Wellness" : Partaking in the Tennis Team</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">As a tennis player, playing tennis was a hobby and a place where I could relieve my stress. Ever since I first played tennis in fourth grade, I had always been engaged in the activity. I also joined the tennis team and partook in many tournaments including the Kanto Tennis Tournament 2017 held in ASIJ. During the tournament, I went with some of my friends and upper classes which created good experiences learning from older people and at the same time, it was fun playing tennis with my friends. ...
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20itos</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Dive Experience Saving A life!!!</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Dive Experience Saving A life!!!
        Diving has been a hobby of mine since a young age, and I have thrived to pass each level with passion and curiosity for the unknown. Today, 21st, February 2018, I am an advanced rescue diver with over 131 dives across the world, I have also a few specialities such as Nitrox and full face mask diving, as well as a first aid certification since I passed the rescue diver course I have seen many beautiful things and have lived through bad and dangerous dive experiences as well.Diving is extremely serious as much as it is fun if you do not follow the rules and do not know how to react in the case of an emergency, it is extremely dangerous. But as a mentor once told me "It is dangerous to walk across the street, does that mean you are not gonna walk across?" Both my parents dive and we are a happy family of scuba divers. But we had some dangerous life-threatening situations....
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20egrosn</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">welcome to blog</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">thismy blog please enjoy like and subscribe
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Kotaro</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">global citizen reflect</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">yes this my gcd reflection
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Kotaro</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Phuket Expedition Reflection_Max Chen</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Phuket Expedition Reflection
        1. What did you learn?
        One of the main lessons that I learnt is the importance of teamwork. Then recognizing that you are a part of machinery in the machine called “team” or “society”. Knowing that you are not alone, there are people who would help you and those that you should offer help to if you notice any sign that they need help.
        2. What did you get out of this experience?
        The experience came mainly from the rainforest hiking. As the course of our hiking took a turn for the extreme side, it was frightening and even overwhelming for some members of the team. At the time it was clear that those with the ability to complete the task of getting themselves out of the struggle also had the duty to help those in need. In order to get everyone out of the rainforest safely without major injuries, it was a necessary skill that we were able to collaborate, communicate and -at times - creative thinking....
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Max</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Being a Student Ambassador in YIS: GDC Inter-cultural Communications</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">As a bilingual student in an international community, I feel it is necessary to put by best of my language abilities to help communicate with other individuals all across the world. With my ability to fluently speak both Japanese and English, I spent my 9th-grade year actively participating in a group called the 'Student Ambassadors'. The main purpose of this group was to tour with families and students that are visiting YIS from all across the world. Although many were fluent in English, I have met families from many different cultures and ethnicity. Some families would only be able to speak Japanese, and I had to navigate multiple families around the school using multiple languages simultaneously....
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20kitamurar</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Niigata Expedition Grade 9</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text"> We had 2 concepts we focused on in this expedition which was self-reliance and relationship. Through the expedition, I learned a lot about self-reliance and relationship. Also, I learned about leadership by the group game. If one leader leads the group, it is easier to follow the leader than when there are more leaders who lead because we can know who we need to follow. This helped me to understand the leadership easily. In this expedition, I was the navigator which was near to leader of our hiking group. So leadership was not included in our concept of the expedition, but I could be learned about it more. During the expedition, one of our group members should be the navigator and navigate our way to the camp side and hiking track. I became a navigator in my group by Hyun-seo’s recommendation. I have learnt about how to read the map but I’ve never used the paper map in real life, so navigate the route to the group with the paper map was challenging. I could refuse to be a navigator but I decided to take at least one job for everybody in this expedition so I accepted to be a navigator. It was hard first time to lead the group to the right path and read the paper map. I was afraid to get lost so I always checked our rout whenever we take a rest. I also tried to remember the name of the mountain to make sure that I can read signs on the track. I was anxious first time but after I used to read the paper map, read signs and get close to our campsite, I felt comfortable. Through this activity, I could know taking a risk looks really scary and can be really challenging to me but if I try it, it can be easier than I thought or you will feel that you have been improved. I also learned more about self-reliance and I think self-reliance will help me to get through from problems that I will face in future. What I learned about the relationship is the trail name that we made during the hiking. Before we go to hiking, Peter who helped our group taught us about trail name(nickname). Our group felt interesting and we decided to make trail name and call it. Most of our group member has trail name and I was ‘bear’. Each trail name has a reason why we call them as their trail name and reasons are really funny and it was what another group can’t know and sympathize with it. In the expedition, I talked a lot with other people who didn’t really talk much at school. I’m sure that trail name brought us closer together. In last year, we went to Gunma and did a lot of extreme sport. I had to think what I need to do in our group in this year, but I didn’t have to think about what I need to do in last year. This made me think about myself more and also care about other people. During our expedition, I learned a lot of things and it will help me in the future. ...
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">20kimku</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">MS DAILY - Wednesday, February 21, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">HS DAILY - Wednesday, February 21, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        														4 days													</span>
        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Class 4 Unit 1: Applying skills to a new task & using peer-feedback to improve - Grade 6H Visual Art #art #MYP #yislearning #middleschoolart #arteducation</div>
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">reeda</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Monopolies 10D</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Video economics - monopolies explained simply
        Indian railways
        DeBeers ...
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Child Labour Trial Grade 7 I&S</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">Here are the instructions and details for this task - it's a fun one!
        You have to work both in PAIRS and in GROUPS.
        You need to remember that there are 2 teams - and you are an important part of that team!...
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Ms Edwards</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on PLAY: First day of the stop-motion animation unit is focused on exploring the app, its tools, and the process - Grade 4 Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">MS DAILY - Tuesday, February 20, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">HS DAILY - Tuesday, February 20, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
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        													<span class="reader-pg-post-author">Maki Shiina</span>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">How Can We Build a Lighter and More Affordable Bicycle Frame?</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">In every bicycle, there is a frame. This frame of the bicycle is known to be the most important part of a road bike. The frame of a bike can alter the overall performance of the bike, depending on which metal or alloy is used. For example, if Titanium is used, it will make the frame stronger, but not necessarily faster. This is when alloys come in. Alloys are a mixture of two or more metals. For this project, I chose to research how to build a lighter and more affordable bicycle frame. The metals that I chose to research are arguably the most efficient metals in each category; Aluminum, and titanium. With all the good things that come with these metals, there are still some drawbacks and those drawbacks, and those drawbacks relate to, in my case, economic reasons, and Environmental reasons....
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">Focus on PERSPECTIVE: Creating storybook illustrations to express the desired emotion, action, and setting - Grade 2 Visual Art #art #PYP #elementaryart #yislearning #arteducation</div>
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">MS DAILY - Monday, February 19, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
        The Library will close at 3:30 for Tuesday’s early release. (Ms. Katy)...
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        										<div class="reader-pg-post-title">HS DAILY - Monday, February 19, 2018</div>
        																					<div class="reader-pg-post-text">MIDDLE &amp; HIGH SCHOOL
        The Library will close at 3:30 for Tuesday’s early release. (Ms. Katy)...
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