zone-h URL:

Capture Date:       2017-03-24 06:13:15 JST

  zone-h info:
    Mirror saved on : 2017-03-23 17:54:03
    Notified by     : vbsdz17
    Domain          :
    IP address      :
    System          : Solaris 9/10
    Web server      : Apache

    String Match:
            2 : Hacked BY
            1 : Hacked BY vbsdz17
            3 : Hacked BY
            1 : Hacked BY vbsdz17
            1 : vbsdz17

  MD5:  b940844faa2f307e2644e06bdc072e1e
        * 28935654

  Analyze: String Match Header: 2, 3 ; String Match Contents: 3, 5 ; MD5: 3 ;

        Server: Apache
        Last-Modified: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 17:45:28 GMT
        Title: Hacked BY M.e-dz
        X-Meta-Title: Hacked BY vbsdz17,Dz Bomb3r

            <title>Hacked BY M.e-dz</title>
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            <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
            <meta name="keywords" content="Hack,Defacing,Pentesting,Dz Bomb3r,"/>
            <meta name="title" content="Hacked BY vbsdz17,Dz Bomb3r"/>
            <meta name="author" content=">
            <meta name="description" content="The Page you have been looking was not found. Maybe it was Hacked..."/>
            @import url('');
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        <div id="bshx32_main">
            <div class="blinxk_text"><h1><span class="shred">Hacked BY</span> <span class="shwhite">vbsdz17;Dz Bomb3r</h1></div><br><br><br>
            <p class="bshx32_mes"> 
            Hello Admin, We Are <a style="color: #C11B17" href="">M.e-dz</a> ! , we Want To Inform You All That The Protection On This Site Failed
            <h3 style="color: white" class="blink_text">SECURITY IS JUST AN ILLUSION</h3>
            <div id="bsh_we_are">
            <div><font color="green">[+] M.e-dz Was Here [+]</font></div>
            <font color="#385164">
        <iframe width="1" height="1" src=""0" allowfullscreen></iframe>