zone-h URL:

Capture Date:       2017-01-15 17:58:10 JST

  zone-h info:
    Mirror saved on : 2017-01-15 08:33:51
    Notified by     : Xposer
    Domain          :
    IP address      :
    System          : Linux
    Web server      : Apache

    String Match:
            1 : Hacked
            1 : Hacked by
            4 : Hacked by
            4 : Hacked
            4 : Xposer
            2 : Hacked by Team X
            1 : Hacked by Xposer
            1 : HACKED
            1 : HACKED BY
            1 : Hacker
            1 : Hackers

  MD5:  20c309913178e088937255bd91c6f392
        * 27515799

  Analyze: String Match Header: 2, 2 ; String Match Contents: 9, 19 ; MD5: 1 ;

        Server: Apache/2.4.23 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/5.6.25
        Title: Hacked by TeaMXpose
        X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.25

        Found [String.fromCharCode( xx, xx, .. )] -> Decode

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[!]<br>[!] Expect us [!]<br>[!] Laughing at your Security [!]<br> [!] Good Bye [!]</font></center><font size="4" face="Candal" color="green"> </font> <br> <br> <center><font size="4" face="Candal" color="green">Contact me For Excuses</font></center><font size="4" face="Candal" color="green"> </font> <br> <br> <br> <br> <center> <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="green" size="5" face="Candal">TeamXpose Facebook</font></a></center> <br> <footer id="det" style="position:width: 100%; bottom: 0px; font-family: tahoma; height: 18px; color: darkWhite; font-size: 13px; left: 0px; border-top: 2px solid #222; padding: 0px; background-color: transparent"> <center><font color="silver" face="Candal" size="3"> <b>Officials<b></b></b></font></center><b><b> <marquee scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="50" width="100%" style="width: 100%;"> <b> <font color="RED" face="Candal" size="4">Xposer - Leo Root - Maxi Mizer - Faaru Xposer</font> </b></marquee> </b></b></footer><script type="text/javascript">function d_log(s) { var ev = document.createEvent('events'); ev.initEvent('heartbeat_log', true, false); document.body.setAttribute('heartbeat_attrib', s); document.dispatchEvent(ev); };</script><div id="heartbeat_msg_wrap"></div></body></html>