zone-h URL:

Capture Date:       2016-08-23 20:28:17 JST

  zone-h info:
    Mirror saved on : 2016-08-23 10:57:26
    Notified by     : Deccal.Org
    Domain          :
    IP address      :
    System          : Linux
    Web server      : Apache

    String Match:
            2 : DeccaL.Org
            2 : Hacked
            1 : Islam
            1 : Ayar
            1 :
            1 : White Hat Hacker
            1 : Hacker
            1 : Hacked By
            1 : hero
            1 : Hackers

  MD5:  51dde47b4f52c2ec75cb404e76e6da86
        * 26714641

  Analyze: String Match Contents: 10, 12 ; MD5: 3 ;

        Server: Apache/2.2.3
        Last-Modified: Tue, 23 Aug 2016 10:24:01 GMT

        Hacked By KingSkrupellos DeccaL.Org Digital Security Technological Turkish Moslem Army !
        Thanks to => Mr.F92 ~ Ayar ~ KingSkrupellos ~ Stallk3R ~ Julian ~ 
        1ht1y@r ~ ByHaklirt ~ OrJiNaL ~ Leader Shawai ~ Tev3R
        We Love TURKEY. 
        No Panic. No Damage given to your Website. Low Security. Please patch your system.
        You will feel the Turkish Power everywhere.
        How happy is the one who says, I am Turkish !
        Eþhedu En La Ýlâhe Ýllâllah Ve Eþhedu Enne Muhammeden Abduhu Ve Resuluhu.
        There is no God but Allah is unique and Hz. Mohammed ( s.a.v )  is the Messenger of Allah !
        Freedom for Moslem World - Freedom for Palestine - Freedom for East Turkestan  
        Hacking is not a crime and sin, it is just to show your website vulnerability 
        and spread our ideological messages !
        You have to obey Turkish Nation and believe to Islam Religion !
        Turkish National Hymne - In English
        Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly waves in these dawns, shall never fade
        Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation burns out.
        And that, is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine;
        It is mine; and solely belongs to my nation.
        Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent,
        But smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the rage?
        The blood we shed for you will not be worthy otherwise;
        For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation.
        Türk Ýstiklal Marþý - Türkçe
        Korkma, sönmez bu þafaklarda yüzen al sancak
        Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.
        O benim milletimin yýldýzýdýr parlayacak!
        O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak!
        Çatma, kurban olayým, çehreni ey nazlý hilal!
        Kahraman ýrkýma bir gül... ne bu þiddet, bu celâl?
        Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarýmýz sonra helal.
        Hakkýdýr, Hakk'a tapan milletimin istiklal.
        #### ####
        System Ownz Hacked Defaced Fuck3D By KingSkrupellos DeccaL.Org Digital Security Technological Moslem White Hat Hackers Army !